Oil may become a important issue, I mean even more important. Some say  
oil production has already peaked, oil prices could very well have had  
an important role in the 2007 crisis because of the extra cost they  
suposed to business and specially to people.  Interest rates are very  
low now so the financial burden for the families is much lower but it  
could change and probably will change in the coming years.  
Equation is quite easy, extra money spent in transport (and is transfer to external-small-kind of oligarchic economies) have to be cut  someplace else, in 2007-8 the families cut their spending and at some  
point their financial payments, that bring unemployment bank runs and  all the mess.  Now the oil seems headed to pass 100 soon,  a market correction could come in the coming weeks (some technical indicators  
point to that) that would correct the oil price with other basic material prices........ But otherwise and in the midterm we could find with some are pointing :  the oil may have turn in which economist would say an automatic de-stabilizer

Tengo un amigo muy inteligente y estudiado que cree que el tema del petróleo puede cambiar nuestras vidas y economías en los próximos años.  Este articulo apunta como puede provocar problemas recurrentes la relación precio de petroleo- caida del consumo, algo a lo que habrá que estar atento este año 2011.............

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

Oil up 34% since May; average gas price hits $3.07

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

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