Financial Times says Zapatero is very bald or very silly .............

Meanwhiled and not connected I was thinking today that all the bad manners of Zapatero with the germans when the Endesa buying try by Eon may probably be very fixed in Merkel, that at the ends is a woman.

The weekend news seems to be Ireland is being rescued, but there are every time more clues about the Germans wanting the owners of the banks, bond holders and other risk taker to pay there part of the party................something so clearly more fair than making the taxpayers pay for everything that is kind of atonish nobody complaining for such a thing

El financial times dice que Zapatero es muy valiente o muy tonto. Los alemanes dicen varias cosas entre ellos que los dueños de los bancos (accionistas) y los poseedores de los bonos de países que necesiten rescate deberían pagar su parte de la fiesta.  Zapatero le dio algunas bofetadas a Alemania con el caso EON-Endesa............. mal hecho!


Las elecciones catalanas traen un cambio de poder, CIU partido del centro derecha nacionalista permanente ganador de las elecciones catalanas vuelve al poder.  El Partido Socialista Catalan, se desmorona, paga esa rara y acronica alianza que fue el tripartito,  y paga varias rondas más, entre ellas, la crisis y el derrumbre de la imagen de Zapatero, al que antes cuasi adoraban en Cataluña. 

El analisis más relevante es en el ambito nacional,  el PP vuelve a ser la tercera fuerza en Cataluña y obtiene sus mejores resultados de la historia alli................ es decir apunta a mayoría absoluta en unas elecciones nacionales.   Ojo al futuro inmediato que a Zapatero le van a crecer los geranios,  es decir los miembros de su partido que hasta ahora estaban como plantas en una esquina dejandole hacer, sobre todo deshacer porque ganaba............... ha pasado de ser un activo a un activo toxico

Brief in English. Catalonia a highly relevant  autonomous community (state) in Spain has voted today.  The usual winners a nationalist center right party retakes the power, the socialist party slumps, and the Popular Party gets its best results ever............... lot of pressure coming for the president and leader of the socialist party in Spain,  Zapatero


Future of the European and worlwide unemployed is being partially determined right now, the Black Friday at Dolphin Mall in Florida and many others around USA...........if people resume buying and consume heads north , things could be in their mending way........

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Reading and hearing between lines, one thinks that big forces has started a plan to change the

- The Economist article
- New York Times editorial about Zapatero
- Spain big labor union talking about the legislative term may not end
- Joaquin Almunia, spanish European Comision vicepresident,   answering if "everything is over the table"..!!!
- Merkel and Germany,  the real leaders of Europe at this time sending signals
- Big guys in ECB and around saying they are not making any plans to save Spain,  where I hear something like this before?   oh yea,  with Greece and Ireland........

As I pointed a couple of days ago, nobody is going to give a blood drop for saving the soldier Zapatero.......... in fact maybe some in the PSOE are starting to think about risk some blod for save the country and the party puting him aside

Breve en Español,  la cosa está muy muy malita y leyendo entre lineas parece que algunas fuerzas y poderes facticos podrian estar iniciando movimientos para corregir el rumbo del pais, viendo que esté esta a la deriva.  Hay que estar atento a los acontecimientos.  Si tuviera que apostarme un cafe sobre si la legislatura va a acabarse o si esta se acabará con el presidente al frente .............. tendría muchas dudas, habra que estar atentos las proximas semanas.


Remember that song , well that´s something a lot of people and specially the big guys at Mercks must be singing about what could become a blockbuster and make a new big advance in our health during the coming years.   Acording to this USA Today´s piece of news Anacetrapib could bring a giant leap in cholesterol treatment............... and that could mean a lot for rich countries quality of life in the older people..............and for the owners of Merck

Parece que una nueva medicina podría suponer un avance muy importante en el tratamiento del Colesterol,  un problema que afecta gravemente a la salud de las persoans mayores en Occidente con incidencia tanto el sistema cardiovascular (favoreciendo los ataques al corazon )  como en otros aspectos de la salud, por ejemplo se ha descubierto una correlación con el Alzheimer.   Eso si sabiendo lo mucho que gastan las farmaceuticas en publicidad, lobby y similar cualquier noticia de esta hay que tomarla con una pizca de sal,  poca porque sube la tensión


Empiezo la semana con una avería tras echar gasolina a un coche diesel, esperando a que el taller donde la grua dejo el coche vuelva a abrir hagan el trabajo me den la factura correspondiente y si hay suerte pueda seguir ruta.  No es un planazo vamos.

Mientras tanto espero en la cafeteria de un hostal de carretera, junto a Ponferrada............ y el local tiene calefacción y Wifi,!!  que no lo he encontrado en todos en Miami o Madriz o incluso New Yoll ......... asi que vamos a poner buena cara, ya que el tiempo es regular.   Otra buena noticia, hay comedor con menú.......


XXI century and the leader country with this silly behaviors from some
of it citizens, teachers in this case............ burocrats. Some
girls were banned from using bracelets for breast cancer awardness for
having the word boobies on it ......

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

Moms sue Pa. school over 'boobies'-bracelet ban

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPhone and download, visit: http://usatoday.com/iphone/

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According to this piece of News, Adidas has some 5500 stores in India, in spanish technical idiom it would be call " un huevo de tiendas"  literally "an egg of stores"   Mucho chino en China ósea 

Bloomberg News, sent from my iPhone.

Adidas to Boost China Stores 9% to 6,100 Next Year

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Adidas AG, the world's second- largest sporting-goods maker, will increase China stores by 9 percent to 6,100 by the end of next year as it forecast sales growth of at least 10 percent in the country.

Adidas plans 500 net store openings in the world's most populous nation, with Greater China sales projected to exceed 1 billion euros ($1.36 billion) next year, Chief Executive Officer Herbert Hainer said in an interview today in Shanghai.

The clothing and footwear market in China may be worth 334 billion yuan ($50 billion) in 2010, almost double what it was five years ago, data from Euromonitor International show. Adidas competes with Nike Inc., the world's largest sporting-goods maker, and Li Ning Co. in China, where retail sales growth averaged 18.3 percent in the 10 months through January.

"I'm quite confident" in China, Hainer said. "We'll see double-digit growth in China over the coming years. It's a big population and a lot of people want their sneakers."

Adidas plans to add about 2,500 stores in smaller Chinese cities over the next five years, expanding its presence to 1,400 cities from 550 now.

Consumers in smaller cities want "access to global brands,'' Christophe Bezu, Adidas' Greater China chief, said at a briefing in Shanghai.

China Suppliers

Adidas faces the challenge of managing its prices in China as inflation and raw-material costs rise, said Sophia Wu, a Shanghai-based analyst at Sinopac Securities. She has a neutral rating on Li Ning.

China will be the biggest source of products for the Herzogenaurach, Germany-based company for at least another 10 years, even as suppliers may "have to raise salaries for their workers," Hainer, 56, said in a separate interview on Bloomberg TV. Adidas buys 35 percent to 40 percent of its products from suppliers in China, he said.

Belle International Holdings Ltd. has the biggest market share in China's clothing and footwear market with 6.5 percent, according to Euromonitor. Li Ning, the Chinese sportswear maker started by a former Olympic gymnast, ranked second with 2.6 percent and Anta Sports Products Ltd. was third with 2 percent by 2010, according to the researcher.

Adidas today said Colin Currie will take over from Bezu as managing director for Greater China, effective Jan. 1. Bezu will be the company's chief e-commerce officer next year.

To contact the Bloomberg News staff on this story: Michael Wei in Beijing at mwei13@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Frank Longid at flongid@bloomberg.net

Find out more about Bloomberg for iPhone: http://m.bloomberg.com/iphone/

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Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

Caregiving: When doctors can't connect the dots

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPhone and download, visit: http://usatoday.com/iphone/

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ElMundo.es - Un amigo te envia una noticia

El billete del AVE Madrid-Valencia costará 79,8 euros

Spanish high speed train is outing new lines in service and in the coming years can configure a natinal grid of terrestrial fast transport but I seriously doubt it will succed as much as in the past,  new low cost flight lines and competence in the aerial sector is showing a clear problem now,  fast trains are too expensive in Spain.  

Viene el Ave a Valencia,  mu caro diria yo, el tiempo dira SI en Los medios recorridos (Mas de 350 km menos de 800 digamos) la batalla la gana el tren o el avion..........  Teniendo en cuenta posibles cambios y evolucion tecnica en ambos sectores........ No lo tengo nada claro.    A corto plazo empresas privadas en competencia frente a una publica monopolista:   no lo va a tener fácil el tren,   a pesar de que el ser humano esta mas cómodo sin alejarse mucho de tierra firme.  

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El Gobierno portugués no descarta la expulsión del país de la zona euro

 Portugal prime minister trough his foreing affaires minister is talking about the country leaving the common currency,  the idea seems to be pressing the opposition party for coalition govern,  just to share the really ugly perspectives,  but the european counterparts may find this kind of statements not that bad in the middle of the currencies battle with americans et all trying to weaken their currencies in order to export moré and pay back the debts cheaper.  Interestly enough in the middle of 600 billón $ QEII started theese days dolar is not weakining against euro but the opposite thanks to Irish debt concerns and what else?

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La banca mueve ficha para soltar lo antes posible su pesado lastre inmobiliario

En el articulo se explican las promociones, artimañas y perrerias a las que acuden las entidades para colocar su muy importante stock de viviendas.   Sobre la previsible evolución futura del precio, anotese en algún sitio que el banco de España ha dado instrucción de provisionar el 30% del valor en libros

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Me decía ayer un amigo que era joven pero sobradamente fracasado,
hay que ver en que ha devenido el anuncio aquel.............. Una
juventud preaparada pero en paro, sin acceso a crédito y muy poco
motivada por un país donde ni el mérito ni el esfuerzo ni la
capacidad son los factores determinantes de éxito, donde poner una
empresa requiere mas tramites que en la mayoría de los países del
tercer mundo y donde las niñas no sueñan ser princesas sino
funcionarias ........... Pena de país y de circunstancias

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