Se cogen los spaghetti y se hierven, mientras tanto se pone a calentar una sarten y se le echan la mitad de las guarrerias que tengas en la nevera, como bacon, nata, huevos, una pizca de vino tinto,  se mezcla todo se salpienta y añade queso rallado....................rico rico y con mucho fundamento. El perejil es opcional pero es recomendable porque es verdura y hay que comer sano


According to this USA today piece of news, men apologize less than women, but the interesting question is the reason, mere are a lot less "tocahuevos" than women and don´t get mad for minimal say for example a man touching our ass :-)

De acuerdo con esta noticia del USA today, los hombres piden menos disculpas que las mujeres, pero es porque basicamente creen que no han ofendido, al igual que se sienten ofendidos en menos casos que las mujeres y no anda hinchando las bolas por cualquier menudencia.


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Major solar projects make progress in California

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Most of the offers for making money working from home, are just scams.  Watch out, don´t believe in pretty rich little angels, and specially don´t paid in advance for them............

La mayoría de las ofertas-anuncios para ganar dinero por internet, son estafas, mucho cuidadin.............. y por supuesto nunca de datos de cuentas bancarias tarjetas o similar 


Algo que me ha sorprendido, pensaba que las mujeres tenian sensiblemente menos problemas coronarios, pero al parecer mueren debido a los problemas derivados del corazon en una proporción similar a los hombres,  tabaco, hipertension y diabetis los mayores inductores.........

English version

Seems women death from heart problems in a similar proportion to men, according to recent studies. Diabetics hypertension and smoking have a role in that 


Resulta que en Venezuela la oposición ha sacado apenas 100.000 votos menos que el chavizmo venezolano (de unos 10 millones totales) pero 33 diputados menos que los casi 80 del chavizmo.  La cosa se debe a que recientemente aprobaron una nueva ley electoral.  La LEO favorece a Chavez claro.......................pero me da que el resultado es el principio del fin para el elemento este.  Sintomática la falta de respuesta y ataques a la pregunta de una periodista de como era eso posible


Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

Apps for music subscription services play tunes on the spot

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Dilma: Erradicaré la pobreza

Lo que no ha conseguido los presidentes e instituciones de USA  durante 300 años lo promete la candidata presidencial brasileña para los proximos 8 ................ Y la Paz en el mundo SI hace falta, por prometer que no quede 

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Resulta que a pesar de toda la traca del tea party, hay mas gente que
piensa q la nueva ley de sanidad extendiendo el seguro se quedo mas
corta que larga

Poll: Repeal? Many wish health law went further

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Deciamos hace un rato que el partido laborista elegia entre Milliband y el sucidio...........hizo ambas cosas, eligió a Ed Milliband, el hermano pequeño de David con mucha menor capacidad de ganar la batalla al partido conservador, menos capacidad de pactar con los laboristas y mas probabilidades de darse una buena leche electoral en un futuro.  Los partidos ingleses tienen una especial tendencia a elegir mal el lider tras perder elecciones en las ultimas decadas, y parece que la racha sigue.  Buena noticia para Cameron.  Todo es posible en cualquier momento, y si el chico sorprendio hasta aqui puede seguir haciendolo, y tonto desde luego parece que no es. Pero esto apunta a que será muy muy dificil que los laboristas vuelvan a ganar dentro de 4 años y tambien dificil que pacten con el partido liberal, algo que podrían haber hecho más facilmente con David

We said some hours ago that Labour Party in England was about to pick David Milliband or suicide themselves standing apart from power for some 8 years at least..............they elected Ed, David brother´s who must be the person must pissed off in England right now, he had a serious change of became prime minister in some years...........and now this is pretty much gone, because in a future moment of Ed being forced to leave the labour lidership (after loosing elections) few people would be supporting another Milliband.  Ed have much more difficult achieve a electoral victory in coming years or reach an agreement with liberals to reach power that his brother, but at 40 what he have is time..........for now. Time will tell, but looks pretty much a lost decade has started for labour party.


Went to see Wall Street II yesterday, is not as good as first one, by far.  The main character is not Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) ,  as I was writing this I recall than in fact he wan´t the main character also in the first Wall Street, it was Charly Seen, formidable interpretation that time, already 23 years ago (time runs fast eh!).   Anyway best of the film is Michael Douglas interpretation and Character, besides the history of the 2008 crisis with the inner fight between wall street clans that led to the bankruptcy of Lehman but later rescue of several better connected financial institutions with an enormous package of money coming from the normal people to those with millions of dollars in bonus and salaries that resulted being paid for the taxes of people wining a few thousands.  Also interesting the moral differentiation between money well invested (now is green energy) and bad investing (greed money for wining money).   What would probably had been different some 10 years ago when the morally well invested money went to allow people without much incomes to buy houses trough risky lending instruments....................... part of the bubble that burst a couple of year ago.

Parecido en español ahora, fui a ver Wall Street II, mucho mas debil que su antecesora la muy interesante Wall Street the 1987 protagonizada por Charly Seen y Michael Douglas.  Lo mejor de está nueva version es precisamente el papel de este ultimo.  La pelicula toca aparte de una historia de amor muy pastelera y previsible, el tema de la codicia y el desmadre financiero del 2008, año en que se pinchó la famosa burbuja inmobiliaria lo que dio paso al Credit Cruch y a la crisis economica actual.  Rollo moralista pero bastante bien tocado, presenta mas o menos lo bueno y correcto como invertir en energia verde y lo malo pues todo lo demás, invertir para ganar dinero como cochinos capitalistas............. que es basicamente lo que hacen los productores de peliculas por otra parte.  Se toca con otros nombres la historia de Lehman y como se le dejo caer mientras que unos meses despues los banqueros mejor conectados lograron arrancar casi un billon de dolares (a trillion in american terms) del dinero del americano medio que paga impuestos para sostener sus bancos quebrados y seguir viviendo con salarios y bonus de decenas de millones mientras los multimillonarios ricos financieros como Buffet et all salvaban sus inversiones con lo que  pueden seguir predicando a las masas como hacerse ricos, deja vu.................. lo que no queda claro es si el tema se ha solventado del todo...............en cualquier caso al igual que antes o despues habrá otra burbuja, probablemente habra Wall Street III - Un amigo te envia una noticia

Hoy se desvela el nombre del Miliband que liderará el partido laborista británic

En un rato el partdo laborista elige entre David Milliband o suicidarse por unos 8 años.................. En el primer caso no lo tendrán fácil para las próximas elecciones, en el segundo tirando a imposible.............. Probablemente gane David  

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Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

USA is fattest of 33 countries

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United States is probably the safer borrower in the world. United States has never default on a loan or debt agreement.  So they don´t have much of a problem to get all the money they need to borrow. The difference is in the price,  interestly enough for a profane in economic terms,  now in troubled times, with big deficit and a lot of borrowing the interest rates that USA has to pay for the money the take is relativity small. Why is that? Because in troubled times people, governments, business and other organizations  tend to look for safe heavens to their money.   So they lend the United States of America. 

There´s a web site called Treasury Direct where you can find information about lending money to the US open an account and get rid of the fees and commissions the middlemen charge.  You can easily have an account and invest directly getting paid according to the agreement and results of the auctions that are frequently hold.   I don´t know if the account holding is only for American citizens (probably) but you can for sure easily invest in USA treasuries (that's the name for the American bonds) in different ways, if your country allows it.

What makes me a lot of fun is this site in destined to kids..............they want the young people get used to lend money to the government from the very beginning of your economic life............or even sooner............... some expect the state to need money borrowing for long.


In the contest for richest person in America,  uncle Billy is still the one,  has some 54 $ billion (54 mil millones en cristiano que alli cuentan distinto) and that after giving some 28 billion in philanthropy!!!   He´s probably also the most generous in absolute terms (though of course is not the best way of measure generosity)

Link to a very good speech from Billy.  Link to a un video realmente bueno de Bill Gates in Hardvard, en ingles, muy recomendable


El ave no va a la velocidad prevista................porque las piedritas vuelan


I´ve found this interesting graph comparing US and Sweden GDP per capita in PPP (helps correct currency volatity)...............though Sweden is European reference........... USA outperforme it in wealth generation for the period 1960-1995.  Don´t have actual charts but correlation keeps similar. Acording to world bank data from wikipedia in 2009 Sweden gdp per capita was some 77 % of USA, almost a quarter below


Obama has a lot of tough work lately. 

Several economic high members of the administration are quiting (or being forced to)  Romer and Summers the most significant of them.  Funny thing the much questioned, Gheitner, keeps the job............... guess with so many difficulties to appoint one in the past, the president doesn´t want to start headhunting again. 

Polls point to a November outcome where democrats can loose control of senate and maybe congress

Popularity of the president is plummeting

On the international side, relations with China are not great about the yuan, Europe seems to be out of Obama focus, the Afghan question is rising comments of americans fed up of dying in a country they don´t know where is, not very relevant for them and with very little odds or wining and reaching a stable situation there in the short run.

This are trouble times for Obama, why?  because he´s the president of the United States, and we are living troubled times worldwide.............


Long since I wrote last about economy. Trying to write this post in english, as I´m thinking of a more international approach.  Want to make post short so mention:

- Clouds over recuperation.  We´d been living 2010 with good growth in most of the big economies and areas, but suddenly things don´t look that clear............ some advanced indicators as purchasing manage index (pmi) , business confidence and international shipping are showing we may have already peaked  and started some way down for the short term.

- USA is the focus, as most of the time the biggest world economy is the reference, if they get off the trail Europe is going to follow soon and both combined are the big chunk of the world economy.  The picture now is the growth is dimming, unemployment is high restraining the consume capacity.  The FED is shouting they would do what it takes (lot and lot of money printing) but would this be enough?  At this very moment the most probable scenario is a slow growth for some 2, 3 quarters unemployment and deficits keeping high.  Surprises to the upside or downside are very probably.

- Asia is a star on the rise,  with some 4 billion population concentrates around 60 % of the world inhabitants. The biggest economies there are Japan and China,  a rich stagnant country the first and a fast growing power and economy the second.  China as well as India account for most of the world economy global growth in the last decade.  This two countries alone concentrate a third of the word population and both are growing at good rhythm in what seems to be a structural change.............. so Asia is growing and will continue a good pace, whatever happen in the west side.............but Japan and Corea , 1 and 4 asian economies are developed economies and behave more coordinated with US and Europe, so we will probably assist to a weakening of growth there.

So in brief, we are not bad, because we are growing but the outlook is highly uncertain, pains of past recession unemployment and deficit are going to star around for a while.  Though times!


Es mas facil criticar que dar trigo, este articulo de El Economista nos cuenta como la UGT pide carrera e idiomas para trabajar de secretaria/o  u asistente por menos de mil euros al mes.   Conocì gente que trabajaba para el sindicato hace 10 años y no tenia congtrato fijo,  le renovaban los contratos por obras en una clara vulneracion del espiritu de la ley que tanto critican cuando lo hacen otros.   Los sindicatos, trufados de progres muy pasados de moda, cerrando la entrada a nuevas ideas y gente màs preparada con un terrible tufo a compincheo politico son otro de los canceres economicos de està sociedad.  A si al menos esta terrible etapa nos siver para libramos de dos males por el precio de uno..................


La fusion linguistica de la www se està acelerando gracias a la capacidad de procesado de los nuevos cacharros y la multiplicacion de fuentes abiertas como repositorio del conocimiento de lenguajes.  Hay muchos y buenos traductores online gratuitos disponibles y un creciente numero de aplicaciones para apender o mejorar la utilizacion del ingles. 

Voy a mencionar una de ellas, Text to Voice, un add-on para Firefox que permite seleccionar texto de una pagina web y dando a un boton del comando derecho del raton escuchar como lo lee una robotizada pero correcta voz femenina o masculina segun preferencias. Una ayuda para mejorar la pronunciaciòn que en mi caso es horrible. Cool!!!


Hace unos tres años que el precio de la vivienda comenzó a caer en Usa, lo ha hecho un 27% de media y aun no esta claro que haya tocado suelo.  Puede darnos una pista sobre España donde empezó a caer hace dos , a caído aproximadamente un 17% y estaba mas cara....................

Bloomberg News, sent from my iPhone.

U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms

Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- The slide in U.S. home prices may have another three years to go as sellers add as many as 12 million more properties to the market.

Shadow inventory -- the supply of homes in default or foreclosure that may be offered for sale -- is preventing prices from bottoming after a 28 percent plunge from 2006, according to analysts from Moody's Analytics Inc., Fannie Mae, Morgan Stanley and Barclays Plc. Those properties are in addition to houses that are vacant or that may soon be put on the market by owners.

"Whether it's the sidelined, shadow or current inventory, the issue is there's more supply than demand," said Oliver Chang, a U.S. housing strategist with Morgan Stanley in San Francisco. "Once you reach a bottom, it will take three or four years for prices to begin to rise 1 or 2 percent a year."

Rising supply threatens to undermine government efforts to boost the housing market as homebuyers wait for better deals. Further price declines are necessary for a sustainable rebound as a stimulus-driven recovery falters, said Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist of Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc., a New York economic forecasting firm.

Sales of new and existing homes fell to the lowest levels on record in July as a federal tax credit for buyers expired and U.S. unemployment remained near a 26-year high. The median price of a previously owned home in the month was $182,600, about the level it was in 2003, the National Association of Realtors said.

Record Supply

There were 4 million homes listed with brokers for sale as of July. It would take a record 12.5 months for those properties to be sold at that month's sales pace, according to the Chicago- based Realtors group.

"The best thing that could happen is for prices to get to a level that clears the market," said Shapiro, who predicts prices may fall another 10 percent to 15 percent. "Right now, buyers know it hasn't hit bottom, so they're sitting on the sidelines."

About 2 million houses will be seized by lenders by the end of next year, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. He estimates prices will drop 5 percent by 2013.

After reaching bottom, prices will gain at the historic annual pace of 3 percent, requiring more than 10 years to return to their peak, he said.

"A long if not lost decade," Zandi said.

Variances by Market

The national declines likely will be weighed down by more troubled markets. Working through the inventory depends on variables such as local employment and the amount of homeowner debt, said Sam Khater, chief economist for CoreLogic Inc., a Santa Ana, California-based real estate and financial information company. Nevada has the highest percentage of homes with mortgages more than the properties are worth, while New York state has the lowest, according to CoreLogic.

Douglas Duncan, chief economist for Washington-based Fannie Mae, the largest U.S. mortgage finance company, said in a Bloomberg Radio interview last week that 7 million U.S. homes are vacant or in the foreclosure process. Morgan Stanley's Chang said the number of bank-owned and foreclosure-bound homes that have yet to hit the market is closer to 8 million.

Sandipan Deb, a residential credit strategist for Barclays in New York, said prices will drop another 8 percent -- to 2002 levels -- before beginning a recovery in 2014.

"On a national level, you have never seen a decline of this sort," Deb said in a telephone interview. "I would caveat that by saying you also have not seen an increase on a national level like we saw from 2002 or 2003 to 2006."

Likely to Sell

In addition to the as many as 8 million properties vacant or in foreclosure, owners of another 3.8 million homes -- 5 percent of U.S. households -- said they are "very likely" to put their properties on the market within six months if there is improvement, according to a July survey by Seattle-based Zillow.

"This has the potential to create a sawtooth pattern along the bottom," Stan Humphries, Zillow's chief economist, said in a telephone interview. "Homes begin to sell and a few sidelined sellers rush into the marketplace and flood the marketplace."

If the market doesn't fall to its natural bottom, price gains in the next five to 10 years won't keep pace with inflation as the difference is made up "on the backend," said Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer of FusionIQ, a New York research company. Price increases that fail to at least match inflation are the same as reductions in value, Ritholtz said.

The Obama administration's effort to help mortgage holders, the Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, is another source of future inventory as owners with new loan terms re- default, Ritholtz said. About half of the modifications done in 2009 were behind in payments by the first quarter of 2010, according to the Treasury Department.

'Day of Reckoning'

"The belief has been: if we stimulate sales with a tax credit and delay foreclosures with modifications, the market would stabilize," said Ritholtz, author of "Bailout Nation." "We're just putting off the day of reckoning and drawing out the pain by not letting the housing market hit its bottom."

Government policy contributed to a recent stabilization in prices that may have been an "illusion," said Zach Pandl, an economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. The S&P/Case- Shiller index of home prices in 20 U.S. cities rose 4.2 percent in June from a year earlier. The measure is a three-month moving average, which means data in the month were still influenced by transactions that may have benefited from the tax incentive.

Even if modifications fail, keeping foreclosures off the market is worth the risk of a delayed recovery, Pandl said.

"It's too painful and too damaging to let it happen all at once," Pandl said from New York.

Underwater Homeowners

Owners of about 11 million homes, or 23 percent of households with a mortgage, owed more than their property was worth as of June 30, according to CoreLogic. Another 2.4 million borrowers had less than 5 percent equity in their houses and probably would lose money on a sale after paying broker fees and closing costs, CoreLogic said Aug 25.

In Nevada, 68 percent of homes were underwater in July, with mortgage loans statewide totaling 120 percent of home values, according to CoreLogic. Only 7.1 percent of properties in New York state were underwater, with the total loan-to-value equivalent of 50 percent, the company said.

'Stuck' in Home

Brandi Miner, director of marketing for the Georgia Association of Realtors, is holding back on selling her one- bedroom condominium in Atlanta's Buckhead district because she has an underwater mortgage. She paid $155,000 for the property in 2005.

"I'm stuck," Miner said. "I thought it was a stepping stone to a house."

Miner pays about $1,100 a month for her mortgage plus $225 in condo dues, a higher price than she would spend for a three-bedroom house in a good Atlanta-area neighborhood at today's prices, she said. Selling now would cost her $10,000 to $15,000, Miner estimated.

"I'm not $200,000 in the hole, thank God," she said. "But the quarter of the country that's underwater -- that's me."

Detroit, Las Vegas and Fort Myers, Florida, will take until at least 2020 to return homeowners to positive equity, CoreLogic said in a March report that compared prices in 10 metro areas. Atlanta, Dallas and California's Riverside and San Bernardino counties will need until 2016. The Washington, D.C., area will take the least amount of time, with negative equity disappearing around 2015, CoreLogic said.

Time to Buy?

The slide in values and record-low interest rates may offer some bargains for property hunters. Prices have returned to historically affordable levels, said Karl Case, professor emeritus of economics at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and co-creator of the S&P/Case-Shiller index. He estimates a bottom for prices in six months.

"It doesn't take a tremendous number of people to turn the housing market, because only about 5 percent of the stock trades in a given year," Case said in a telephone interview. "There's still a lot of people who are employed, many of whom have been looking for the opportunity to buy."

Case is an example of a homeowner waiting to sell because of low demand. He's seeking to sell the A-frame on 15 acres near Cooperstown, New York, that he bought for $190,000 in 2005.

"I want to keep it if I can't get what I want," he said. "It's a terrific little getaway and I'm not going to give it away."

Pending Sales Gain

Some indicators show the real estate market has begun to turn a corner. Pending sales of existing houses increased 5.2 percent from June to July, the National Association of Realtors reported Sept. 2. Economists had estimated a 1 percent decline, according to the median of 37 forecasts in a Bloomberg survey.

"The market is starting to show some signs of stabilization," Nicolas Retsinas, director emeritus of Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies, said during an Aug. 31 interview on Bloomberg Television's "InsideTrack." "But a robust recovery is a long time away."

The number of U.S. homes in default or foreclosure fell to 7.04 million as of July 31 from a high of 8.12 million in January, Lender Processing Services Inc., a Jacksonville, Florida-based mortgage servicing company, reported Sept. 2.

Defaulted mortgages as of July took an average 469 days to reach foreclosure, up from 319 days in January 2009. That's an indication lenders -- with the help of the government loan modification programs -- are delaying resolutions and preventing the market from flooding with distressed properties, said Herb Blecher, senior vice president for analytics at LPS.

"The efforts to date have been worthwhile," Blecher said in a telephone interview from Denver. "They both helped borrowers stay in their homes and kept that supply of distressed properties on the market somewhat limited."

To contact the reporter on this story: John Gittelsohn in New York at Kathleen M. Howley in Boston at .

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New developments in computing science may allow the Moore's law to
continúe, the flow of computing-able devices to increase and the data
process to be ubiquos............ Just for geeks

From The New York Times:

Computers as Invisible as the Air

Computers may simply melt away like the Cheshire Cat, and become
imbedded in all the objects that make up daily life.

Get The New York Times on your iPhone for free by visiting

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Superbroke Superfrugal, Superpower?

The some said falling star of american superpower

From The New York Times:

OP-ED COLUMNIST: Superbroke, Superfrugal, Superpower?

America has gone from being the world's superpower, with guns and
butter for all, to being the frugal superpower. Get used to it.

Get The New York Times on your iPhone for free by visiting

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Krugman, que dice que mas déficit para arreglar this mess............

From The New York Times:

OP-ED COLUMNIST: 1938 in 2010

The inadequacy of the Obama administration's initial economic
stimulus has landed it — and the nation — in a political trap.

Get The New York Times on your iPhone for free by visiting

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El servicio de atencion al cliente de Movistar es deplorable.  Hoy llevo dos llamadas de más de 15 minutos cada una para intentar darme de baja en una linea, infructuosamente hasta el momento.............
En meses anteriores tuve un episodio con mas de 50 llamadas para un servicio de Movistar Imagenio del que nunca pude obtener los canales contratados, con facturaciones excesivas y erroneas y que aún sigue pendiente en parte.   Mi experiencia confirma plenamente las percepciones del servicio del Defensor del Pueblo (defensora en funciones, actualmente) que ha abierto una investigacion y declara que los servicios de atencion al cliente funcionan deficientemente.  Eso si la defensora del pueblo está en funciones y en cualquier caso su poder es limitado, como siempre las grandes empresas oligopolisticas y las telecos son uno de los casos más obvios tienen acceso preferente e influencia enorme con respecto a los politico y estructuras del estado que atienden mas sus acciones de lobby que la de los consumidores, con los que no quedan a comer ni les patrocinan actos de partido, ministerio, etc.......

Resistencia activa.  Voy a proceder a dar de baja el pago de la cuota,  lo que me acarreará mas problemas claro, pero de alguna forma habrá que contratacar los abusos sitematicos de las empresas incumbentes y los serviles reguladores.

Pd: la segunda llamada que está pendiente va por 23 minutos.........y creciendo


Segun calculos de un diario portugués la mitad de la poblacion del pais, unos 5 millones de personas viven del estado, se llega a esa cifra sumando, pensionistas, funcionarios, y las personas que cobran prestaciones por desempleo, incapacidad o de sustento basico..................menudo panorama para el pais vecino


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Er Facebook se está convirtiendo en ubiquo,  en nuestras vidas y en el business buzz, no hay dia que no salga algo de Facebook en Bloomberg Tv or CNBC .............asi que decidi ayer buscar una forma de que los post de mi blog se publicaran automaticamente en mi muro...............y despues de horas y horas de inutiles intentos con notes y un reiterado mensaje de error, me he pasado a  y este post basicamente es un relleno para probar el asunto y las opciones de retocarlo que presenta.


Una empresa que me encanta a pesar de la mania que le tiene tanta gente, o quizá por ello.

Ryanair ha vuelto a batir records, en este caso ha batido a Iberia como la aerolinea que más pasageros a trasnportado a o desde España en el mes de Julio


From The New York Times:

OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: How to End the Great Recession

To fix the U.S. economy, we must finally deal with wage inequality.

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New test may 'revolutionize TB care,' diagnosing -

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

New test may 'revolutionize TB care,' diagnosing

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPhone and download, visit:

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Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere, i've looked at cloud that way.
But now they only block the sun, they rain and snow on everyone.
So many things i would have done but clouds got in my way.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions i recall.
I really don't know clouds at all.

Moons and junes and ferris wheels, the dizzy dancing way you feel
As every fairy tale comes real; i've looked at love that way.
But now it's just another show. you leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away.

I've looked at love from both sides now,
From give and take, and still somehow
It's love's illusions i recall.
I really don't know love at all.

Tears and fears and feeling proud to say "i love you" right out loud,
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, i've looked at life that way.
But now old friends are acting strange, they shake their heads, they say
I've changed.

Something's lost but something's gained in living every day.
I've looked at life from both sides now,
From win and lose, and still somehow
It's life's illusions i recall.
I really don't know life at all.


I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan
Thanks Javi!
Lo que no me mata me hace más fuerte..............

Nissan starts selling all-electric Leaf sedan today -

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

Nissan starts selling all-electric Leaf sedan today

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

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Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPhone application.

More 'empowered' patients question doctors' orders

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